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In today’s review of James 2:14-26, we learn that “faith,” which does not show itself through God-driven works, proves itself to be a faith that will not save. It is nothing more than mere talk. Do you see in life Christians that believe that just checking the box and going to church on Sunday is all that is needed for Salvation but is that enough? Can you be saved and not do what we are commanded to do? I have heard countless times people say something like, “I go to church and Sundays, or I am a good Christian because I pay my tithing.” I love to ask what they did today for the growth of the kingdom when I know the answer already. The puzzled look I get or the non-response speaks volumes. I am not trying to be mean or confrontational, but I am trying to make them understand that just doing those 1 or 2 things doesn’t guarantee you a spot with Christ.